Hello every body!!
On Monday, Alan, a very funny Scottish story teller, came to our school and told us three exciting stories. The greatest thing about it is that Allan gave us the chance to take the part of the characters of the story. In addition, we loved listening to the bagpipe and the banjo…THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN VERY SOON!!!
Kaixo familiak!
Astelehenean Alan, ipuinkontalari eskoziar bat, gure eskolara etorri zen ziklo bakoitzeko ikasleei ipuin bana kontatzera. Dibertigarriena antzezteko aukera edukitzea izan zen! Gainera, ze gozada gaita eta banjo entzutea! Eskerrik asko Allan eta espero dugu berriro elkar ikustea!